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Versione del 26 set 2018 alle 12:30 di S.vistoli (discussione | contributi) (Creata pagina con "With TSP Xtelsio Tapi for asterisk (frequently used to integrate the Estos ProCall application with Asterisk systems), it is not currently possilbe to set these variables in t...")
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The Asterisk Manager Interface lets KalliopepBX interface with third party software.

By enabling the AMi interface from the Kalliope GUI, you can interface with external systems to carry out click-to-call operations.

The standard syntex to carry out c2c via AMI (from the extension %extension% towards the destination %toNum%, including the outbound prefix for external numbers) on KalliopePBXv4 is the following, in which some channel variables are set:

Action: Originate
Async: true
Channel: Local/%extension%@c2c
Context: from_c2c
Exten: %toNum%
CallerId: %callerId%
Timeout: %timeout%
Priority: 1
Variable: C2C_SRC=%interno%
Variable: C2C_DST=%toNum%
Variable: __TENANT_UUID=%tenantUid%

%callerId% = in "%displayname%" <%number%> format (we set "c2c: %toNum%" <%toNum%>)
%timeout% = the number of milliseconds in which to accept the call on the caller's terminal (we set 10000)
%tenantUid% = the tenant UUID. It must be indicated even in silge tenant systems; it can be found in the the AMI settings page (with firware version 4.2.x) or the dashboard widget (with firmware 4.3.x)

With TSP Xtelsio Tapi for asterisk (frequently used to integrate the Estos ProCall application with Asterisk systems), it is not currently possilbe to set these variables in the AMi call, so a mechanism has been developed based on context wrappers to set the required variables.

Il messaggio AMI da far inviare diventa quindi (sono comunque supportate entrambe le modalità):

Action: Originate
Async: true
Channel: Local/%interno%@c2c_%tenantUid%
Context: from_c2c_%tenantUid%
Exten: %toNum%
CallerId: "c2c: %toNum%" <%interno%>
Timeout: %timeout%
Priority: 1