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Versione del 3 dic 2019 alle 10:03 di S.vistoli (discussione | contributi) (Creata pagina con "*Provisioning ** Added function key file generation for Avaya terminals ** Added placeholders for time and date")
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Firmware updates from the 4.5.x series are Technology Releases, which introduce new features; though they have been tested, they likely contain bugs that emerge under specific configurations or use conditions. The latest Maintenance Release, version 4.4.2, is the stable release recommended for generic use that does not require features introduced in the TR.

WARNING: Starting from firmware version 4.5.4, there is a 1GB RAM requirement for VMs. If the firmware is updated or installed on a VM that does not meet the memory requirements, the PBX will fail to start.

Firmware 4.5.17 (02/08/2018)

New features

  • Added a Blacklist service on inbound lines; one or more access lists can now be defined for each inbound line (based on the calling number and optionally on the called number), each associated with a specific action (block, forward, etc.) so that both backlists and whitelists can be defined
  • Added the option to encode call recording files for each archival path (local or remote). Encoded audio files saved on remote archival paths (share NFS or CIFS) can only be listened to from the Kalliope web interface (or downloaded unencoded via API) and not directly from the file system
  • Added REST APIs to manage call recording files; APIs for listing (with GET and POST filtering similar to the CDR API), download, and erasing (with linked key) are defined.
  • Added REST APIs to consult the list (with the option to filter messages after a certain date), listen to and erase messages in the voicemail box
  • Added a panel (and corresponding REST API) for defining the default template settings
  • Added automatic erasure of CDR and Call Center CDR records older than 2 years (records for the current month and the 24 previous whole months are kept)
  • Added generation of new queue and member events (pbx.queue.enter, pbx.queue.enqueue, pbx.queue.ringmember, pbx.queue.ringnoanswer, pbx.queuemember.pause e pbx.queuemember.unpause), and changed the pbx.queue.servedcall and pbx.queue.unservedcall events to be generated the moment the event happens instead of the end of the call, as happened previously
  • Added storage.quota.exceeded (replacing pbx.filesystem.quota.exceeded, which was removed) and storage.quota.restored events, generated when the storage quota configured per tenant is reached and when it is restored
  • Added native Country Code setting to outbound lines to normalize the called number of the extensions


  • Optimized the CTI service to better handle requests from the client in order to reduce response times of sent commands
  • Updated the publication mechanism of devices on the new Yealink RPS
  • Extended the granularity of event timestamps to microsecond precision


  • Telephone services
    • 6054: In multi-tenant systems, edits to the outbound proxy in the system SIP settings were not applied to single tenant accounts until a tenant "Apply" was executed
    • 6137: Fixed a bug that caused the enable flag for audio conference rooms not to function
    • 6156: Fixed the handling of inbound calls whose calling number is empty (made uniform with anonymous calls)
    • 6260: Restored the correct functioning of call recording on demand from extensions
  • GUI
    • 5169: Fixed the mechanism for mass importing extensions when the user password column is omitted; the user is created with the automatically generated password shown on the screen during import file validation
    • 6037: Fixed a bug that caused audio file playback and recording not to function for hotdesking SIP accounts
    • 6161: Extended the validation of text fields in forms invoked via API to prevent special characters from being insterted (\r, \n, \t, \v, and \f)
    • 6133: [Multi-tenant] Fixed the validation of tenant group edit forms, which allowed extact remote numberings to be defined without specifying their value
  • Provisioning
    • 6280: Fixed the regular expression to recognize the MAC address from the URL, which caused the extraction of an incorrect MAC address for CISCO SPA devices
  • CTI
    • 6068: Fixed a bug that caused the incorrect display of the calling number for missed call notifications
  • Mobile app
    • 6203: Fixed the handling of the SIP account status of the app when the client is not logged in

Firmware 4.5.15 (16/07/2018)

New features

  • Extended the Dynamic Routing service to send DTMF sequences and insert pauses within the dynamic component of the response


  • Extended Kalliope mobile app support to make calls without the need to add the external line commitment prefix, in order to best take advantage of the device's phonebook


  • Telephone services
    • 6132: Fixed a bug when the unconditional forward service interacted with closed groups: if three extensions belonged to the same closed group, if extension A called extension B and was redirected to C, the call was blocked as not allowed
    • 6245: Fixed a bug where the caller number was incorrectly set for external calls to an extension redirected to an external number
  • Provisioning
    • 6087: Fixed a bug where certain placeholder were incorrectly replaced for custom devices
    • 6149: Fixed a bug that did not prevent the provisioning files generated by the PBX, which are protected from being erased, from being moved
  • Call Center module
    • 6151: Fixed an issue with the generation of Call Center reports when one or more queues had names longer than 32 characters

Firmware 4.5.11 (20/06/2018)

New features

  • Extended the /rest/operation/service API to handle the new services:
    • BUSYLEVEL: changes the Busy Level on an extension configuration level
    • CFBS, CFNA, CFUN: call forwarding on busy subscriber (BS), no answer (NA), and unavailable (UN) to a selection of the numbering plan, with priority over the values set in the extension configuration
  • Extended the user widget to manage the CFBS, CFNA, and CFUN operation from the GUI
  • Added a Periodic Report Generation feature (with customizable time span) with the option to send reports to a group of recipients via email
  • Added a Forward on All Unreachable service, which routes inbound calls to a failover destination when all SIP accounts are unreachable
  • Extended the Dynamic Routing service to carry out authentication through KalliopePBX client certificate
  • Added support for the new Kalliope mobile app with integrated phone functionality
  • Added the option to downgrade the configuration when rebooting on secondary firmware (feature only available for secondary firmware version 4.5.8 or later)
  • Added the option to import configuration backups made with firmware versions older than the one on the PBX (feature only available for firmware version 4.5.8 or later)
  • Extended the REST API for generating backups to export a backup for a specific firmware version equal to or older than the current one (feature only available for firmware version 4.5.8 or later)


  • General
    • 5747: Updated Asterisk to version 13.18-cert3
    • 5730: Changed the call generation mechanism for certain services (call pickup with consultation, recording calls and listening to audio files from the terminal, callback service on queues) due to occasional cases of services failing to activate
    • 5627: Extended the SNMP agent to export occupation data of the folder /tmp (OID: ucdavis.dskTable, index 3)
    • 5944: Added a flag to the SIP account settings to identify those that can be assigned to the mobile app
  • Provisioning
    • 6010: Changed the predefined settings to disable the service mechanisms of insecure files (TFTP, HTTP, HTTPS without authentication of the requester via client certificate)
    • 5941: Optimized the mechanism for notifying phones when the provisioning file is downloaded
    • 5858: Optimized the search for the provisioning file when the file was directly requested


  • General
    • 5763: Fixed a bug with the formatting of XLS files generated by the system (on demand and periodic reports, exported CDR, and other tables) where files could not be opened with Microsoft Excel (they could be correctly opened with LibreOffice and WPS)
    • 5641: Fixed a bug where the Passive Listening service failed to function for operators whose SIP account contained the character "-"
    • 4863: Fixed occasional issues where a "The controller must return a response (null given). Did you forget to add a return statement somewhere in your controller?" error was presented after login, which required the user to explicitly log out and then log in again
    • 5671,5717: Fixed some issues where edits to the telephone configuration could fail to be applied
    • 5723: Fixed a bug where the backup restoration process was interrupted due to an attempt to insert a duplicate role
    • 5720: Fixed the alidation of the DID configuration form to prevent the submission of an inconsistent configuration (e.g. exact selection without specifying the selection), which generates an exception (500 error) during saving
    • 5702: Fixed a bug introduced in version 4.5.8 where the tenant UUID of outbound lines was not updated when restoring a single-tenant backup, which caused the lines not to be displayed in the rule editing panel
    • 5599: Fixed a bug that, when mass erasing extensions, caused the corresponding voicemail boxes not to be erased
    • 5585: Fixed an error that, when trying to delete an extension that cannot be deleted (e.g. because it is currently part of a group), allowed the change to be applied anyway, generating an inconsistency in the resulting configuration and the generation of an exception when trying to edit or delete the extension
  • High availability
    • 5642: Fixed a bug where the pairing between two nodes failed in cases in which firmware was installed from the bootloader more than once on one or both nodes
    • 5583: Extended the validation of the /rest/phoneServices/c2c/ API to accept the characters * and # in the "destination" parameter
    • 5802: Added an "id" attribute to the information returned by the /rest/extension/extensionTemplate and /rest/extension/extensionTemplate/{templateName} GET APIs, which is required when creating an extension via /rest/extension POST API
    • 5773: Fixed the /rest/cdr API for restoring the management of JSON format to filter the results
    • 5609: Restored the correct functioning of the CallCenter report generation API, which starting from version 4.5.6 returned a 5 byte file
    • 5688: Extended error handling for cases in which a user with an existing username was created to return, alongside a 400 error, an explicit readable message instead of the SQL error output
  • CDR
    • 5644: Fixed the calculation of the billing time in the PBX CDR, which sometimes displayed a negative value (e.g. -0.121) when the call failed immediately
  • CTI server
    • 5529: Fixed an issue where waiting time of the oldest call in a queue was incorrectly displayed when the CTI server was temporarily disconnected
    • 5800: Fixed a bug where the CTI service was rebooted after the removal of a tenant with connected clients
    • 5660: Fixed the handling of call transfers wen remote controlling Yealink phones with firmware versions v80 or later, which requires the DTMF tone # to be sent in a separate invocation than the other digits (0-9, *)
  • Multi-tenant
    • 5586: Fixed a bug in the PBX backup restoration procedure where personal audio files of the tenants could not be played until the machine was rebooted
    • 5793: Fixed an issue where the caller was not recognized as a remote extension for inbound calls to a tenant when it originated as a failover action on another tenant in the group
    • 5154: Fixed a bug where, after moving an assigned line from one teant to another, caused the DIDs configured for the original tenant to be executed
    • 5648: Extended the validation of the domain name when creating or editing tenants to prevent the use of accented characters, which cause the creation of the corresponding LDAP tree to fail
  • Phonebook
    • 5580: Fixed the functioning of the filters on the "email", "organization", and "department" fields in the extensions phonebook

Firmware 4.5.7 (13/02/2018)

New features

  • Penalties for queue operators. Starting from this release, penalties can be assigned to members of a queue. This parameter allows calls to be presented to an operator only if all other operators with fewer penalties are busy. A REST API for configuring penalties has been implemented.
  • "In progress" messages on IVR menus. This release introduces the option to play "in progress" audio files (before the call is actually answered). The maximum duration of these messages is usually shorter than one minute and depends on the phone line provider.
  • Generation of change of service state events. These events can be linked to notifications to receive alerts whenever individual services malfunction/reset.
  • Kalliope-Lift module. This module, available through a dedicated license, allows management of alert messages from ADEMCO dialers.
  • New built-in provisioning devices. The following devices have been added:
    • AudioCodes 405HD,420HD,430HD,440HD,445HD,450HD
    • Snom D712,D785,D120
    • Gigaset Maxwell 2
    • Yealink SIP-T52S,SIP-T54S,SIP-T56A,SIP-T58A,SIP-T58V


  • Telephone services
    • 0005487: Added a uniqueness check for time check names
    • 0005347: Extended the REST API for changing queue operator pause status to operate on all queues
  • Call Center module
    • 0005417: Added the boundaries of the custom range to the Call Center CDR


  • General
    • 0005344: Fixed a bug that prevented complete backups from being restored on multi-tenant systems
    • 0005362: Fixed a bug with setting event severity
  • Telephone services
    • 0005493: Fixed a bug with enabling and disabling switches from the numbering plan
    • 0005484: Fixed a bug that prevented a paging group from being created
    • 0005435: Fixed a bug that under certain conditions caused a misalignment between the effective pause status of an operator and the one displayed
    • 0005382: Fixed a bug that prevented MeetMe rooms with no audio file from being edited
    • 0005483: Fixed a bug that prevented access to the Whitelist page
    • 0005445: Fixed a bug that prevented click-to-call from working once the busy level was reached
    • 0005391: Fixed a malfunction in Time Check
  • Phonebook
    • 0005333: Fixed a bug that prevented speed dials from being added in the phonebook
  • Call Center Module
    • 0005428: Fixed a bug where every "Apply" reset the queue statistics (and therefore caused the ring strategies to malfunction)
    • 0005531: Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the incorrect visualization of older calls in the supervisor panel
  • GUI
    • 0005342: User dashboard: fixed the links to groups and queues
  • Multi-tenant
    • 0005469: Fixed an error with multi-tenant license activation when gateways with no assigned lines were present
    • 0005412: Fixed an error that prevented notifications for non-default tenants from being sent

Firmware 4.5.6 (12/12/2017)

New features

  • Event notification service. This release introduces an engine for managing events, which can be generated both on a node/system level and on a single tenant level (telephone events). The first events to be introduced concern the registration of the outcome of calls in queues (pbx.queue.servedcall and pbx.queue.unservedcall events). A configuration page for the event notification service is also available; it lets users associate to each event (or event class) one or more notification actions (either sending an email or invoking a web service), which are completely configurable with the attributes of the corresponding event.
  • "Do Not Disturb" (DND) service. Adds the DND service on an extension level. The DND service implemented on a PBX level differs from the one available on telephone terminals in that it operates on the entire extension and not for the single SIP account configured on the terminal. The DND service operates on calls made directly to the extension as well as those that are presented to the extension as member of a ring group (but not for queues) and ensures that the extension is treated as "unavailable" when choosing a failover action (for direct calls). The DND state can be changed via BLF key (dnd<extension> selection), with which it is also possible to view the state of activation, or via the /rest/operation/service/dnd/<extension> REST API.
  • REST APIs for the operation of extension services. Added /rest/operation/service/<service>/<extension> REST APIs in GET/POST and DELETE modes to read, set, and reset the state of the following extensions services: DND (Do Not Disturb), FORKMOBILE (Fork to Mobile), CFIM (Unconditional forward or call redirection). The APIs can be used with API access permissions and authentication by each user (for single extensions) and by users with a Power User role that is enabled to manage the "operating state of the services" (for all extensions).
  • REST APIs for the dynamic management of queue operators. Added /rest/operation/queue/<operation> REST APIs to manage pause and add/remove dynamic operators to/from a queue.
  • The "Service" and "Queue" widgets have been extended; it is now possible to change the state of the "Unconditional Forward" and "Fork to Mobile" services and change the pause status of one's SIP accounts on each queue with a handy switch.


  • General
    • 5200: Changed the name of the "Diagnostic" menu in "Monitoring" following the addition of the notification management panel
    • 5196: Changed the "None" string in "Select account" in the provisioning device definition and edit panel
    • 5308: Changed the SIP error message returned when CAC limits are reached for an inbound call to the PBX or a tenant from "403 Forbidden" to "486 Busy Here" (note: the message for inbound or outbound calls remains unchanged)
  • Call Center Module
    • 5301: Added the option to exclude operator events when exporting the Call Center CDR in detailed format
  • Multi-tenant
    • 5276: Optimized execution time when deleting a tenant
    • 5185: Added check to prevent a tenant from using a calling number (for outbound calls) that does not belong to those defined in the assigned line used. If necessary, the calling number will be automatically changed based on the type of numbering present on the assigned line, following this rule:
      • exact selection: sets a specific number
      • range selection: sets the lowest number in the range
      • prefix selection: sets the root of the prefix


  • General
    • 5173: Fixed a bug that caused the generation of a 500 error when deleting the ACL item of a switch
  • Phonebook
    • 5305: Fixed a bug that caused periodic importing of remote phonebooks to be suspended after a firmware update until its settings were saved again
  • Call Center Module
    • 5228: Fixed a bug that caused calls not to be inserted in the CDR upon certain failure outcomes (FULL, JOINEMPTY, or LEAVEEMPTY)
  • High availability
    • 5178: Fixed an issue with the synchronization of 4SP licenses and corresponding child licenses

Firmware 4.5.5 (25/10/2017)

New features

  • General
    • Added two new widgets to the dashboard to view calls in progress in real time and with a graph, with customizable classification (direction and filter) and time span, which shows statistics on numbers of calls extracted from the CDR
    • Added a "Closed Group" service, which offers the option to restrict the ability to call specific extensions to a list of enabled extensions


  • General
    • 5147: Restored the ability to use the "apostrophe" character in the First Name and Last Name fields for extensions and made uniform the corresponding validation in mass import
    • 5099: Introduced ordering by type and name in the outbound line selection form
    • 5091: Introduced alphabetic order in the tenant selection form
    • 4465: The current firmware version can now be viewed within the "System status" widget in the dashboard
    • 5015: Changed the uniqueness check for SIP template names to be case-insensitive
    • 5083: Added instantaneous duration display in the active call visualization panel
    • 5126: Added a visual indicator of the execution of the CC report generation request
    • 4895: Changed the way call refusal is handled for non-authenticated calls originating from hosts not defined among the configured VoIP domains and gateways from dialplan level to SIP level
  • Telephone services
    • 5156: Changed the handling of the 480 response sent from telephones when DND service is enabled to execute the forward action for "not available" rather than "busy"
  • Provisioning
    • 5149: Extended MAC recognition from the URL of a request to use a regular expression and not only built-in filename formats
    • 5132: Added the option to configure a custom path on redirection servers
    • 5121: Added management of the "public" subfolder of its provisioning path with anonymous access (not authenticated) even when configuring provisioning access via client authentication through certificate
  • Multi-tenant
    • 5003: Changed the lock management so that the pbxadmin acquiring the lock does not automatically cause all admins of all tenants to lose the lock; it now only does so when changes are applied, and only for tenants involved in the changes made by the pbxadmin
    • 5012: Added HTTP caching support through "ETag/If-None-Match" and "If-Modified-Since" headers


  • General
    • 5165: Fixed a bug that caused the incorrect presentation of the calling number for attended transfers of outbound calls made by an extension
    • 5158: Restored the functionality of external API invocation in POST mode or the Basic type authentication
    • 5017: Fixed the handling of the "0" switch
    • 5098: Fixed a bug that prevented the correct handling of more than 128 tenants on a single node
    • 4548: Removed hot desking device accounts from the number of accounts that count towards the license limit
    • 5063: Fixed a bug that caused the addition of the outbound prefix to the calling number of inbound calls to persist, even eliminating it from the PBX or tenant settings
    • 5065: Fixed the display of custom logo (with a rebranding license) when accessing the web GUI through HTTPS protocol
    • 5094: Made uniform the Mime-Type validation when uploading audio files and hold music, which previously caused certain files to erroneously be refused
    • 5096: Fixed a bug that generated an exception when accessing the wizard while an extension with no linked SIP account was present
    • 4992: Fixed a bug that caused the theme selected by rebranding license holders not to be maintained
    • 4993: Removed the audit log from the backup
    • 4984: Fixed the functionality of the "Enabled" filter and all filters operating by selection that executed a substring-type match instead of exact
    • 4874: Fixed a bug that caused manual time synchronization via NTP to fail when the current date was set later than the effective one
  • CTI server and applications
    • 5050: Fixed the handling of SIP accounts that contain the "-" character in their username
    • 5168: Fixed the remote control of telephones via KalliopeCTI Pro for hot desking terminals
    • 5175: Fixed a bug that caused attended transfers from KalliopePhone to occasionally fail for extensions with more than one linked SIP account
    • 5021: Fixed a bug that prevented backup restoration APIs from functioning in singe-tenant scenarios
    • 5020: Fixed filename validation for backups uploaded via API to require the extension ".bak"
    • 4977: Made the output of CDR download APIs match the one obtained when exporting from the GUI
  • CDR
    • 3953: Fixed registration of the reason for a call to exit a queue in case of CCBS
  • Call Center Module
    • 5152: Fixed filtering for tenants when generating Call Center CDR reports in multi-tenant scenarios
    • 5089: Fixed the counting of calls served by single operators in the CC report for calls picked up or served by dynamic operators
    • 5118: Fixed a bug that generated an exception when filtering by operator in the Call Center CDR
    • 5088: Fixed the calculation of average conversation time in the CC report
    • 5087: Differentiated the outcome of calls in the queue during closing time, which were previously marked as "Not served"
    • 5085: Fixed a bug that caused the outcome to be set to TIMEOUT instead of ANSWERED_ELSEWHERE in the operator detail after call pickup
    • 5084: Fixed the display of the extension in the "Operator extension" column, which previously showed the account name
  • Call recording
    • 5086: Fixed a bug in version 4.5.4 that prevented the normal saving of call recording files
  • Provisioning
    • 5140: Fixed the generation of the TFTP and HTTP/S provisioning path when importing a tenant
    • 4702: Changed the mechanism for sending check-sync NOTIFY messages to supported terminals (to force the download of provisioning files), which under certain deployment conditions were sometimes not sent
    • 4626: Fixed a bug that caused check-sync NOTIFY messages to supported terminals to sometimes not be sent to a terminal when the linked account had been edited
    • 5067: Fixed a bug that caused the failed functioning of provisioning file servicing through HTTP and HTTPS when installing firmware version 4.5.4 directly
  • Multi-tenant
    • 5028: Fixed "remote extension" type origin recognition inbound to a tenant in case of automatic sharing of extensions among tenants belonging to the same tenant group
    • 4785: Fixed a bug that caused the order of the inbound manipulation rules on the assigned lines of a tenant not to be saved
    • 5145: Fixed a bug that prevented the restoration of audio files in the backup when importing a tenant from a backup

Firmware 4.5.4 (29/08/2017)

Integrates all changes included in version 4.5.3, which was not released to the public.

New features

  • General
    • Added a "Diagnostics" > "Active calls" panel with real-time active call display to the PBX, from which each call can be individually terminated
    • Replaced the External APIs application with its Dynamic routing extension, which allows calls to be managed both by invoking an external web service (such as the original application) and by matching the parameters on a XLS/CSV file uploaded to the PBX
    • Added to the "Dynamic Routing" service the option to forward a call to the selection of the numbering plan returned by a web service or retrieved from a local file
    • Added a /rest/tenantGroup/{tenantGroupName}/extension API to obtain the list of all extensions defined on the tenants in a tenant group
    • Added a /rest/extension/{exten}/services API to obtain the activation state of extension services


  • General
    • 4431: Fixed a bug that made it impossible to halt playback of an audio file of a paging group (in unattended mode with infinite repetitions) if the configuration of the PBX was edited between the starting call and the halt request
    • 4800: Restored the ability to define custom selections with a value that coincides with that of an extension within the tenant
    • 4826: Fixed an issue that caused an irreversible error when viewing the User management page when the number of defined users was greater than 1000
    • 4879: Fixed validation of forms in which forwards to an external number can be configured, as edits to the destination number that consisted of adding or removing the prefix 0 were not saved
    • 4882: Fixed a bug that prevented the deletion of ACL rules in paging groups
    • 4884: Fixed a bug that caused an error to be generated when trying to delete ACL rules in paging groups
    • 4899: Fixed a bug that prevented the details of several entities from being displayed even when the role of the user included read permissions
    • 4129: Fixed the handling of visibility and permissions for Power Users (who can now assign to new users only the base tenant user role or their own)
    • 4937: Fixed Call Admission Control assessment, which previously prevented calls between extensions when only one call was available (and the exclusion of inter-office calls from the count)
  • CDR
    • 4846: Changed the CDR filtering logic to prevent the GUI from locking due to running out of system memory when the number of calls per month in the CDR exceeds a few tens of thousands
    • 4862: The string "xxx" is no longer displayed as the Caller name in the anonymized CDR
  • KalliopeCTI
    • 4773: Fixed an issue where the outcome of the call was not revealed to the caller when using click-to-call from KalliopeCTI Free (or Pro without remote control) to a busy external number
  • Provisioning
    • 4876: Fixed a bug that prevented the provisioning file service through HTTP and HTTPS when version 4.3.9 or later was directly installed (not present when updating from previous versions)
    • 4854: Fixed the handling of edit permissions for provisioning entities (device, template) so that power users can edit those created by the admin and vice versa
  • HA
    • 4781: Fixed a bug that allowed PBX firmware updates even when the HA service was active
    • 4782: Added synchronization of the PBX provisioning folder (in multi-tenant scenarios) and the provisioning request record
  • Multi-tenant
    • 4698: Fixed an issue with the duplication check of the account linked to a device when provisioning was performed by the pbxadmin
    • 4887: Fixed a bug that caused the paging service in unattended mode to fail to function for tenants other than the default

Firmware 4.5.3 (11/07/2017)

Internal release not available to the public.

New features

  • General
    • Added the option to assign the execution of the first configuration wizard to Power User roles
    • Extended ACL functionality for SIP accounts, differentiating them by source IP and Contact and allowing the configuration of more than one subnet per each
  • Provisioning
    • Added Patton Smartnode SN4522/24/26/28 JS (multi-port ATA) and Gigaset Pro N720 multicell DECT system to built-in devices
    • Added APIs for editing service codes in the numbering plan
  • Multi-tenant
    • Added an option on tenant groups to automatically share custom and extension selections in the numbering plan of all tenants in the group (without requiring remote numbering ranges assigned to single tenants to be explicitly defined); introduced an inter-tenant duplication check for the selections in question to prevent the presence of the same selection on two different tenants in the same group


  • General
    • 4719: Fixed an issue where permissions assigned to a previously defined Power User role could not be edited
    • 4789: Fixed a bug that prevented playback of hold music for MeetMe rooms
    • 4778: Fixed a bug that under certain conditions caused an error when saving remote extensions in the configuration of a trunk
  • CDR
    • 4707: Fixed the registration of calling and called numbers for call transfers performed through the SIP REFER method
    • 4704: Fixed the registration of the outcome of a call forwarded to an outbound line in case of failure with CONGESTION as the cause
    • 4703: Fixed the registration of the outcome of a direct call to an extension that was redirected to a service
  • Provisioning
    • 4736: The IPUI column will now be displayed during the validation phase when mass importing provisioning devices
  • Multi-tenant
    • 4747: Fixed a bug that prevented KalliopeCTI from remote controlling supported phones for tenants other than the default

Firmware 4.5.2 (29/06/2017)

New features

  • General
    • Added the option to create custom "Language Packs", replacing the integrated audio files of a certain language with audio files uploaded by the user
  • Provisioning
    • Added function key file generation for Avaya terminals
    • Added placeholders for time and date
    • Aggiunte API per gestione ruoli e template interni

Malfunzionamenti corretti

  • Generale
    • 4666: Corretto un errore che causava la rimozione dei diritti di Privacy eventualmente attivi su un utente in caso di modifica dell'utente da parte dell'admin
    • 4722: Corretto un problema che impediva il rispetto del flag di bypass del filtro D/S in caso di trabocco della chiamata dalle segretarei al direttore
    • 4729: Corretto un errore che causava la riproduzione del messaggio audio dell'azione di trabocco predefinita durante le fasce orarie di un controllo orario, nel caso in cui per una determinata fascia sia definita un'azione di trabocco specifica ma senza un file audio associato
  • CTI
    • 4690: Risolta una criticità che in determinate condizioni causava il riavvio del server CTI in fase di invio di un messaggio a client iOS
    • 4708: Corretto il malfunzionamento delle icone relative a cellulare e SIM sul client KalliopeCTI Mobile
    • 4709: Ripristinato il corretto funzionamento del comando Click-to-call verso mobile dall'app KalliopeCTI Mobile
  • CDR
    • 4658: Visualizzazione nome dell'interno chiamato nella sezione dei dettagli di chiamata
    • 4682: Corretto un problema di retrocompatibilità dell'API di creazione Tenant
    • 4683: Aggiornata documentazione dell'API Rest di creazione dei device di provisioning per riflettere l'obbligatorietà del parametro "priority" introdotto in release 4.5.1 per la gestione dei device multiaccount
  • Provisioning
    • 4698: Corretto il controllo di duplicazione dell'account assegnato al device in caso di provisioning da pbxadmin (solo sistemi multitenant)
    • 4672: Adeguato modello del file XLS per l'importazione massiva dei device di provisioning per includere la colonna IPUI
    • 4674: Corretta una inconsistenza che impediva il funzionamento del provisioning tramite HTTP/HTTPS nel caso di centrali in cui sia stato installato direttamente un firmware 4.3.9 o superiore (bug non presente per le centrali aggiornate da versioni 4.3.8 o precedenti)

Firmware 4.5.1 (11/06/2017)

Nuove funzionalità

  • Generali
    • Aggiunto supporto a licenza per rebranding dell'interfaccia web
  • Code di attesa
    • Aggiunto il motivo "in conversazione" alle cause di indisponibilità degli operatori per determinare il trabocco immediato in fase di accodamento di una nuova chiamata
  • Provisioning
    • Aggiunta gestione di apparati multi-account (es. sistemi DECT, IP Channelbank, M-ATA)
    • Aggiunto pannello per la configurazione dei tasti funzione (BLF) per singolo interno, e provisioning degli stessi su tutti i terminali associati agli account SIP dell'interno
    • Aggiunto il device SNOM D745 all'elenco dei dispositivi di provisioning integrati
    • Aggiunto l'attributo "numero di tasti funzione" ai modelli dei device di provisioning
  • Hotdesking
    • Aggiunta la possbilità di effettuare il login da un terminale di hotdesking in cui sia già loggato un altro interno, senza dover prima effettuare il logout (logout implicito)
    • Aggiunta la visualizzazione degli account di hotdesking nell'elenco degli account SIP

Malfunzionamenti corretti

  • Generale
    • 4515: Corretta gestione dell'assegnazione di un utente ad un interno dopo la sua creazione, che causava la mancata visualizzazione della rubrica personale
    • 4315: Corretto bug che causava il rifiuto delle chiamate uscenti nel caso in cui una delle linee associate al dominio del trunk o terminazione utilizzata fossero configurate con un limite di contemporaneità 0 (illimitato)
    • 4628: Corretta gestione dei nomi degli account SIP contenenti il carattere "-"
    • 4600: Corretto un bug che in alcune condizioni causava la generazione di un errore 500 in fase di visualizzazione di un template di account SIP
    • 4601: Risolto un problema di validazione del form di modifica dei trunk che causava l'impossibilità di definire interni remoti
    • 4569: Risolto un problema dell'importazione massiva degli interni che causava la mancata creazione della casella vocale
    • 4552: Corretto un errore nella gestione dei filtri D/S in caso di trasferimento di chiamata verso un direttore da parte di una entità di un diverso gruppo, che causava l'errato bypass del filtro eventualmente attivo
    • 4527: Corretto un errore che impediva di inoltrare le chiemate uscenti alla linea di backup in caso di raggiungimento del massimo numero di contemporaneità della linea principale di una regola di instradamento
    • 4528: Corretto un errore che causava l'errata generazione dei link all'interno della pagina dei device di hotdesking
    • 4511: Risolto un problema di estrema lentezza dell'operazione di "applica" della caonfigurazione a seguito di modifica, in caso di un elevato numero di registrazioni di chiamate presenti in cartella di rete
    • 4501: Corretto errore 500 in visualizzazione del registro eventi
    • 4483: Aggiunta rotazione nel registro richieste di provisioning
    • 4513: Corretta validazione del form delle API esterne che impediva di utilizzare i placeholder dei parametri nelle GET
    • 4519: Creando un backup con lo stesso nome di uno esistente, il vecchio veniva sovrascritto e quindi perso
    • 4510: Corretto un bug che impediva il funzionamento dei limiti di chiamata impostati su trunk nel caso delle chiamate entranti
    • 4509: Corretto un bug che in alcune condizioni causava l'errata generazione delle regole di instradamento in ingresso ai domini e gateway (DID)
    • 4437: Corretta gestione delle modifiche alle configurazioni degli interni remoti che causava la generazione di un errore 500
    • 4445: Corretta gestione dei file audio con nome che contiene degli spazio
    • 4439: Corretta validazione dei form delle azioni di trabocco in caso di mancata selezione dell'entità di destinazione
    • 4447: Risolto un bug che impediva la cancellazione o la disabilitazione degli interruttori dalla configurazione dei controlli orari
  • Code
    • 4490: Corretto un typo che impediva il corretto funzionamento della strategia di squillo "fewestcalls" (minor numero di chiamate)
  • CTI Server
    • Varie ottimizzazioni e fix minori per migliorare le prestazioni e l'interoperabilità con le precedenti versioni dei client desktop e mobile
  • Multitenant
    • 4563: Corretto mancato rispetto dei limiti di contemporaneità per le chiamate uscenti da una assigned line di tenant
    • 4531: Corretto il conteggio delle chiamate uscenti dai tenant che vanivano contate due volte in fase di determinazione dell'ammissibilità nel CAC
  • Modulo 4SP
    • 4479: Corretta gestione dell'attivazione della licenza 4SP su PBX con precedente licenza multitenant scaduta
  • Hot desking
    • 4624: Aggiunta gestione dell'eventuale disallineamento tra lo stato di login di un interno e l'effettivo stato di provisioning del terminale
    • 4573: Corretto un bug che causava la generazione di un errore 500 in fase di accesso al pannello di hotdesking quando non ci sono account SIP disponibili
    • 4544: Corretto un bug che causava la mancata cancellazione dell'account di hotdesking di interno in caso di cancellazione di un interno con la funzione Hotdesking abilitata
    • 4523: Corretto un bug che impediva la rigenerazione dei file di provisioning relativi agli account di hotdesking
    • 4486: Corretta visualizzazione del limite di account disponibili nel pannello di modifica del device di hotdesking
    • 4574: Aggiunta gestione dell'eventualità di trovare il database della configurazione in stato di lock durante l'invocazione delle API
    • 4558: Risolto un problema nel riavvio del server Jabber che causava il fallimento della creazione di un nuovo tenant via API
  • Provisioning
    • 4567: Ripristinato funzionamneto della riassegnazione di un template di provisioning ad un insieme di device
    • 4557: Corretto un bug che causava, in ambiente multitenant, l'impossibilità ad accedere al pannello di modifica di un device di provisioning creato da pbxadmin se veniva cancellato dal tenant l'account SIP associato
    • 4539: Corretto l'invio dei messaggi NOTIFY check-sync in ambiente multitenant
    • 4458: Corretto un bug che impediva l'assegnazione di account alla creazione di un device di provisioning
  • Importer backup KalliopePBX v3
    • 4536: Corretta importazione dei contatti personali presenti nella ribrica che venivano inseriti nella rubrica condivisa
    • 4537: Corretta importazione della configurazione degli interni per gestire i timeout di non risposta configurati per singolo interno
    • 4538: Corretto un bug che causava la duplicazione delle entry presenti nelle rubriche personali importate

Firmware 4.5.0 (22/05/2017)

Nuove funzionalità

  • Generali
    • Aggiunta funzione modalità operativa del PBX che consente di abilitare/disabilitare alcune tipologie di chiamate. Al momento sono previste tre modalità operative: completa, blocco chiamate in uscita ad eccezione dei numeri in una whitelist, disabiltata (nessuna chiamata consentita). Nei sistemi multitenant la configurazione può essere effettuata per tenant.
    • Aggiunta funzionalità di Call Admission Control che consente di definire il numero massimo di chiamate che possono essere effettuate da una sede.
    • Aggiunta opzione per forzare il trabocco immediato da una coda nel caso in cui tutti gli operatori siano occupati.
  • Provisioning
    • In fase di modifica dell'associazione device / account invio automatico del messaggio SIP NOTIFY check-sync per forzare il reload della configurazione

Malfunzionamenti corretti

  • Generale
    • 4447: Corretto bug che impediva di cancellare e/o disattivare un interruttore all'interno di un controllo orario
    • 4453: Aggiunta validazione form con azione di trabocco verso entità (es. gruppo o coda) ma entità non selezionata
    • 4454: Aggiunta indicazione su mancato salvataggio file audio contenenti spazi
    • 4485: Corretta visualizzazione limite di account su pannello Applicazioni -> Hot Desking
  • CDR
    • 4440: Corretto bug che non consentiva il corretto funzionamento delle API REST del CDR
    • 4401: Corretto bug sul CDR export che causava l'esportazione solo delle chiamate visualizzate sulla GUI
    • 4443: Corretto bug sui report generati dal CDR Call Center (le chiamate trasferite non venivano incluse nel report)